Omni Elektronik supports entrepreneurship in poor countries.
Omni Elektronik joined the network “Entrepreneurs for Entrepreneurs”. This initiative founded by Oxfam for SMEs supports women and men in poor countries to create an economic livelihood by themselves.
A third of the global population live in poverty. Oxfam, one of the most influential development organizations internationally shows practical and innovative ways for a change: together with local partner organizations and local people. Unfair conditions and a lack of start-up aid prevent people to create their own future and make a living.
Thomas Breitbach, CEO of Omni Elektronik states: „ Entrepreneurship has the power to overcome poverty sustainably. Setting up their own business people can free themselves from poverty and lead a life in independence and dignity. They can feed their families, send their children to school and pay for medical treatment. Earned surplus can be re-invested in their business and create new workplaces to give more people the chance for a better future. All this we support as a member of “Entrepreneurs for entrepreneurs”, this is our contribution to a fairer and better world.
The sustainability of our support is ensured by flexible instruments. Poverty can only be resolved by creating a fair environment and by a fast and non-bureaucratic aid in case of emergencies.
Men and Women who we support do not have access to start-up capital, vocational training or to support for the development of their skills. Often they do not have the opportunity to react to crisis situations in their area, to influence political decisions and to enforce their own rights.
We want to change this together with Oxfam. Omni Elektronik is determined to help people in poverty winning support and to advocate for a fair world without poverty!”
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